# Wiki

A wiki is a form of online hypertext publication that is collaboratively edited and managed by its own audience directly through a web browser. A typical wiki contains multiple pages that can either be edited by the public or limited to use within an organization for maintaining its internal knowledge base.<ref><b>Wikipedia</b> - [Wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki) Retrieved in May 20th, 2024</ref> Here in [[Propolis Wiki]] the editors must have a [[Hive account]] and the [[Hive]] blockchain is used for data storage.

## Origins
The word "Wiki" is a Hawaiian word meaning "quick". Ward Cunningham, the developer of the first wiki software, WikiWikiWeb, originally described wiki as "the simplest online database that could possibly work". He also was influenced by the Japanese idea of Wabi-Sabi - the beauty of things imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete.<ref><b>Guidable</b> - [Wabi-sabi: The Japanese Way of Finding Perfection in Imperfection](https://guidable.co/culture/wabi-sabi-the-japanese-way-of-finding-perfection-in-imperfection/) Publshed in October 8th, 2020</ref> Interviewed by Wikimedia Foundation<ref><b>Wikimedia Foundation YouTube channel</b> - [Ward Cunningham, Inventor of the Wiki](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqxwwuUdsp4) Published in May 23rd, 2014</ref> in 2014 he describes how wiki pushes the edges of knowledge<ref><b>Torrey (@torrey.blog)</b> - [Request for Comments: HiveWiki](https://hive.blog/hive/@torrey.blog/request-for-comments-hivewiki) April 11th, 2020</ref>.

## Blockchain wikis

### Propolis Wiki

According [@pharesim](https://hive.blog/@pharesim), Propolis Wiki creator, a wiki on Hive would keep all information in an always accessible place, the information will stay available as long as the blockchain exists, and everything can be updated by the community to reflect latest developments.<ref><b>@pharesim</b> - [What is a Wiki, and why does Hive need one of its own?](https://hive.blog/hive-139531/@pharesim/what-is-a-wiki-and-why-does-hive-need-one-of-its-own) Publshed in March 23rd, 2024</ref>

If you are reading this in Propolis Wiki and follow the requirements to became a contributor, you can check the article [[How to edit Propolis wiki]], try and test text formatting in [[Sandbox]] page before create or edit an article.

### Other Blockchain Wikis

Before Propolis there were other initiatives involving blockchain and wikis. like Lunyr (https://lunyr.com) and IQ.wiki (https://iq.wiki), formerly known as Everipedia.

## Related posts
<b>@godfather.ftw</b> - [Splinterland wiki in Dygycon 2.0](https://hive.blog/splinterlands/@godfather.ftw/splinterland-wiki-in-dgycon) March 10th, 2021
<b>@flaws</b> - [I created a Wikipedia article about Hive!](https://hive.blog/hive/@flaws/i-created-a-wikipedia-article-about-hive) March 27th, 2020