# Hive Account

A **Hive account** is an identity on the [Hive blockchain](/wiki/Hive). Hive accounts allow people, bots, or third-party applications that are in possession of their [Private Keys](/wiki/Private-Key) to actively interact with the blockchain, i.e. to submit a [[transaction]]. From a technical point of view, a Hive account is a container for all the activity associated with a particular identity on the blockchain. This includes all their tokens, posts, comments, [upvotes](/wiki/Upvote), transfers, etc.<ref>Hive Developer Portal – Glossary https://developers.hive.io/glossary/#glossary-chain-basics</ref>

Hive accounts must have between 3 and 16 characters in length and can contain letters of the English alphabet, digits, and several special characters.<ref>(2020) HIVE Whitepaper https://hive.io/whitepaper.pdf?</ref> As a decentralized network, Hive does not apply any [KYC policy](/wiki/Kyc) or limit the number of accounts per person or legal entity. Any existing Hive account can create new accounts. Creating a new account on Hive costs zero to 3.49 [HIVE](/wiki/Hive-Cryptocurrency) (depending on the site, check [here](https://signup.hive.io/) for an overview of different ways to create an account), or an [[Account Creation Token]] which can be obtained by any existing account for [[Resource Credits]].<ref>Hive Developer Portal – Account creation process https://developers.hive.io/tutorials-recipes/account-creation-process.html</ref>

New users typically use one of the third-party providers, dedicated account-creating services.<ref>https://signup.hive.io</ref> [[Splinterlands]] has created more than 200,000 Hive accounts for players who have completed registration for the game.<ref>@dalz (2024) Splinterlands Stats | Feb 2024 | Transactions, Games, Players and Price https://hive.blog/hive-13323/@dalz/splinterlands-stats-or-feb-2024-or-transactions-games-players-and-price</ref>

## Examples of Hive Account Types by Purpose
The hive has no hierarchy of accounts; all accounts are equal in terms of rights and permissions. However, account owners may reserve them for certain purposes, such are:
* @godfish – a personal account of a single person
* @propolis.wiki – a project account managed by the team members
* @propolis.eng – a technical account accessed by multiple users
* @curangel – a curating initiative
* @smooth.witness – a dedicated Witness account
* @hive-128464 – a community account
* @cesky – a curation bot
* @luvshares – a token-related bot
* @aruchard89 – a gaming bot
* @badge-646464 - A [[Peakd]] badge account

## Account Authorities
Hive uses a weighted hierarchy of keys. It effectively allows community or project accounts to be governed by individuals with different levels of permissions, as demonstrated by [[Propolis Wiki]]. The four Hive Private Keys that every account has are:
1) Owner Key: Used for recovering accounts, regenerating other keys, and setting a new password.
2) Active Key: Used to transfer and manage funds, vote for witnesses, or approve DHF proposals.
3) Posting Key: Used to broadcast posting transactions and votes.
4) Memo Key: Used for decrypting encrypted messages sent via fund transfers in the wallet.

Besides these keys, witnesses use their accounts to generate an additional key called a Signing Key. This key is unique for every witness. It indicates that a witness is available for block production.<ref>(2020) HIVE Whitepaper https://hive.io/whitepaper.pdf?</ref>

## Account Recovery
Due to the lack of central authority, Hive implements [[peer to peer]] recovery process. Every account can set up its [[Recovery account]] as a trustee. The creating account takes the role by default but can be replaced anytime. To recover a compromised account, its owner must have their original Private Owner Key that was used less than 30 days ago, or else the recovery cannot be performed.<ref>@arcange (2020) Introducing Hive Account Recovery https://hive.blog/hive/@arcange/introducing-hive-account-recovery</ref> However, the process is less user-friendly than on centralized platforms and may not be available in all cases. Hive account owners should store their keys securely to prevent loss or compromise.